In the captivating novel The Wild Robot, author Peter Brown introduces readers to an unlikely hero—a robot named Roz. After a shipwreck, Roz, an intelligent robot designed for industrial purposes, finds herself stranded on a remote, uninhabited island. With no human companions and no clear way to return to civilization, Roz must learn to navigate […]

The documentary “From Russia with Lev” is making waves as one of the most important films of the year, now available for streaming on Sunset. Directed by Rachel Maddow, this gripping film delves into the controversial figure of Lev Parnas, intertwining themes of democracy and political intrigue that are sure to provoke strong emotions in […]

Gotham City is set to face a new storm of chaos as Prime Video unveils the trailer for its highly anticipated animated series, Batman: Caped Crusader. This fresh iteration of the iconic Dark Knight comes with a storied pedigree and promises to dive deep into the murky depths of Batman’s world, filled with corruption, villainy, […]

A High-Stakes Sequel That Takes Storm Chasing to New Heights. In a thrilling follow-up to the 1996 disaster hit Twister, the 2024 film Twisters has made waves in theaters worldwide with its gripping portrayal of modern storm chasing. Directed by Lee Isaac Chung and based on a story by Joseph Kosinski, with a screenplay by […]